R Clifford Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Trauma Coaching in London

Sign saying you are worthy of love. Trauma coaching in London

Survivors of trauma and childhood abuse, often have to face the fact that some things in life are just going to trigger us. Life has a way of challenging us at times, and there is no getting away from that. But when you’re living with CPTSD, your ability to self-regulate during times of high stress can be greatly reduced. This is why I offer trauma coaching in London, or online worldwide.

We all struggle sometimes, and when times get tough, it’s ok to reach out for help. Even when you’ve done loads of “work” on yourself, it doesn’t mean that life will give you a free pass. The most well seasoned therapists and mindfulness masters still have their bad days, believe me! Especially those living with trauma symptoms or C/PTSD.

Why You Might Choose Trauma Coaching in London or Online

Many people come to me when they have tried lots of other types of therapy and coaching, yet somehow, they still feel stuck. Or, you might be a previous client of mine who feels you could do with some extra guidance and support.

Living with C/PTSD can look like:

  • One day (or even one moment) feeling like you have your sh** together, and the next you feel like you’re falling apart
  • You’ve done tones of therapy, coaching or workshops, read all the books, but some days you still struggle to get out of bed
  • You have a constant companion who lives in your head, just to point out all the bad things about you and things to feel bad about from the past (or even made up future)
  • No matter how good you’re feeling, certain people or situations have you triggered back to a child state in a matter of seconds
  • You have mood and energy fluctuations and can sometimes feel like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde/the tortoise or the hare
  • You easily fall into negative patterns of thinking, lack trust and assume the worst in people
  • Regardless of how lonely you might be, you isolate yourself or avoid social gatherings and invites from friends
  • On some days you struggle to do basic self-care such as eating healthy, washing or cleaning the house
  • You find that you self-sabotage and procrastinate doing the things that you know you are good at, need or love doing

A Helping Hand

NLP Coaching for Trauma in London

Wherever you’re at in your journey, if you’re looking for further ways to improve your personal development, here’s how I can give you a helping hand with NLP Coaching for trauma in London or worldwide online:

  • Help break deeply ingrained patterns or behaviours, such as people pleasing or poor boundaries
  • Develop your self-esteem and self-image in relationships, work or social situations
  • Break out of unhealthy relationship cycles with toxic or unavailable people
  • Build your confidence in all areas of your life, start speaking up and advocating for yourself
  • Help to get out of analysis paralysis when faced with big life decisions
  • Stop self-sabotaging in any area of life
  • Develop healthy habits and goals, stop procrastinating and cultivate discipline and self-control
  • Learn ways to manage stress, release physical holding patterns and self-regulate your nervous system
  • Befriend your inner critic, develop self-compassion and acceptance
  • Develop your communication skills, learn to be more assertive without being triggered
  • Beat imposter syndrome, get out of your own way and become your own cheerleader

What to Expect From Trauma Coaching Sessions

Trauma Coaching, can be a bit like therapy but with a slightly different aim. We’ll start each session with a focus in mind, of what you want to achieve from the session. This could be a block you’ve identified, an area of development you’d like to improve on or a goal you’d like to achieve. When we’ve identified your aim, we might use coaching techniques and exercises to help you shift your mental state, perspective, beliefs, or to get you unstuck.

Sometimes, we could be working on a limiting belief or a difficult emotion that has come up, and we might do some therapeutic work on this if you want to. The main aim is to keep you moving forward, and I’m here to support you on your journey of recovery and growth.

Trauma Coaching in London might be right for you if:

  • You’ve already done some therapy elsewhere and are looking for further personal development
  • You’re a previous client of mine and you want to continue working on things but feel you’ve done most of the therapeutic work
  • You want to learn more about yourself and how you can keep moving forward on your recovery journey
  • You’re open to challenging yourself, confronting your demons and getting out of your comfort zone
  • Most of all, you want to keep learning, growing, become more successful and to live a happier and healthier life!

If any of this sounds right for you, Trauma Coaching could be the best option for you. I offer in person Trauma Coaching in London from my therapy rooms in Hackney, or worldwide online.

Single sessions start at £120ph, and I offer a range of packages at different rates to suit most budgets.

See My Packages and Fees

If you’d like to discuss more about how I can help you, you can reach out to me via my contact page or book a free telephone consultation to discuss more.

Either way, I look forward to hearing from you!

Hypnotherapy in Hackney




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