Did you know that it is estimated that 1 in 6 people have encountered a mental health problem in the past week? Yes, more and more people are struggling with feelings of depression, fear and anxiety. And sometimes, it happens to us. That’s why it’s essential to learn more about how to improve mental health!
And the fact that you’re here, reading about how to get better, raises the odds in your favour. A recent study has found that people who believe they can improve their mental health do indeed tend to have greater mental well-being.
So, your journey of healing has already started. Nevertheless, here are 5 ways to support your mental health!
1) Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
Sleep, exercise, healthy eating…all that is necessary for you to feel good in your body. Including your brain!
Don’t skip on sleep unless you really have to.
A 2022 research has shown that the brain processes and balances emotions during REM sleep. It “helps to reinforce positive emotions and weaken strongly negative or traumatic emotions during REM sleep.” So, plenty of high-quality sleep will ease your negative feelings and help you keep a more positive outlook.
This is why sleep can be of immense help when you’re going through a difficult period!
2) Eat nutrient-rich foods
Your junk food, and low nutrient diet doesn’t help your mental health. At all! Poor diet means you’re starving your body of essential nutrients.
Yes, even if you’re overweight!
Another 2022 study has found that diet improvements help beat depression in young men with poor diets.
There are many reasons why diet affects how we feel. For example, did you know that more than 90% of serotonin, one of the ‘happy hormones’, is made by your gut microbes? If your diet chronically lacks fibre, you’re starving your microbes, and they produce less serotonin.
So, the next time you order a pizza to save some time on meal-prep, ask yourself if it’s really worth it. Sometimes it might be! Just don’t make it a habit.
3) Move your body to improve your mental health
Movement is the most natural thing for our bodies.
Sometimes it may not feel like it, especially if we’re used to spending most of our time sitting or lounging on our couch. But regular exercise does make us feel better!
Our bodies create more serotonin and dopamine when in action. Both hormones help reduce stress and improve our mood, quality of sleep, digestion, memory and even our libidos. Plus, when we feel strong and capable in our bodies, our self-esteem soars! We feel ready to take on any challenge that comes our way.
It can be difficult to start exercising, but the long-term benefits are so damn worth it!
Start out slow and steady. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym. Go hiking, swimming or dancing. Have sex, jog or go and earn yourself a karate belt.
Options are endless, so try things out until you find something you enjoy.
4) Connect with others
If you’re wondering how to improve mental health, invest your time into building meaningful relationships with others.
Having a support network when life takes a turn can do so much for our mental health! When you can talk about your feelings and issues with someone you trust, it makes you feel less alone in your struggles.
Also, helping and caring for others makes us feel like we’re important members of our community and that we have something valuable to give.
It makes us feel like we belong. Like we matter.
Many people even find their purpose in helping others because they feel valued when they see that they can change someone’s life for the better.
So, find the time to connect with people that matter to you. And do it face to face whenever possible. No amount of instant messages can replace a loving hug!
5) Learn to take a break when you need it
I know, I know. You have a loooong list of obligations. Of things that need to get done and of people who rely on you.
But how much can you really give if you’re running on fumes?
Sometimes, taking a break is the best thing you can do for yourself and for others. Go for a walk in nature, take a nap or find 30 minutes to just drink your coffee in peace. Pick up an old hobby and schedule rest days in your calendar. Try some meditation to ease your worries and calm an overactive mind. Whatever it is, find a way to take care of yourself.
And if you can’t possibly find the time to do so… Ask for help!
You don’t have to do everything alone! Turn to your spouse, a friend or a family member and let them help you carry your burden. You can also hire some external support, like a nanny, coach or a hypnotherapist.
When to seek help?

If you’ve been trying different things for a while and your mental health isn’t getting any better, it might be time to seek help.
Your life doesn’t have to be a daily struggle!
Whether you suffer from mild symptoms or an outright clinical diagnosis, you can get better and live a fulfilled life once again. And it’s okay if you need help to get there.
I needed it too!
How to improve mental health with hypnotherapy and NLP in London?
Hypnotherapy can help you relax your body and give it a break from the constant stress.
It creates a safe space where you can explore your fears, anxieties and difficult memories to learn and heal from them. A certified hypnotherapist will gently guide you through all that. They can help you change your behaviours and give you the tools to better handle difficult emotions in everyday life.
Hypnotherapy is a great additional treatment for addictions, PTSD, anxiety and chronic pain management.
NLP coaching can teach you strategies to achieve your goals and improve your communication skills. It tries to understand your thinking patterns so that you can learn to reframe them in a more useful way. NLP will help you detect your unconscious biases and negative views of the world that are probably hindering your progress.
This is why NLP can be a great tool for fighting phobias, anxiety and depression.
Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.
You deserve to get support!
Contact me to learn more about how I can help you improve your mental health. I’m looking forward to talking to you!